
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:户田贵子 刘佳琦[2] 

机构地区:[1]早稻田学院学院院 [2]复旦学院外国语言文学大学

出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第1期79-85,共7页

摘  要:本探讨通过实证性措施,日语论文,旨在验证日语语音习得临界假说,并研讨年人日语学习者达到母语者发音水平的可能性。本探讨针对日语学习者和日语母语者进行了语音实验。实验数据显示:(1)发音习得水平与年龄因素之间存在相关联系,越早开始学习日语,发音习得水平越高;(2)被试中有7名日语学习者虽学习起始年龄都已过语言习得临界期,但其发音习得水平仍达到了日语母语者水平。本探讨结果否定了“超过一定年龄才开始学习外语的学习者几乎不可能达到完全习得”这一严格的语言习得临界期假说,同时也证明了即使年人学习外语,日语论文题目,发音也有可能达到母语者发音水平的可能性。This paper discusses the role played by age of introduction in acquiring the phonology of Japanese and investigates the possibility of attaining native speaker levels of pronunciation. One hundred paid volunteers participated in this study: 84 Japanese learners with a variety of language backgrounds, and 16 Japanese native speakers. This study found a negative correlation between age of introduction and the level of phonological acquisition, which supports the idea that "the earlier the better" is the best approach for acquiring pronunciation in foreign languages. This study also found that several learners who started studying Japanese after puberty were able to attain native speaker levels of pronunciation. Moreover, their language backgrounds were not limited to one particular language or dialect. The results of this study suggests that learning even after the critical period can also produce exemplary language skills.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:H319[语言文字—英语]
