作 者:崔亚蕾 CUI Ya-lei(School of Japanese Studies,Tianjin Foreign Studies University,Tianjin,300204) 机构地区:天津外国语学院日语大学,天津300204 出 处:《日本问题探讨》2017年第1期71-80,共10页Japan Problem Studies 摘 要:日语中的敬语被普遍认为是“尊重他人”的表达形式,通过敬语的使用,可以区分对话双方的上下、亲疏远近、内外联系,也可以表现场面的郑重。现代敬语中已有很多有对于这方面的论述和探讨,但是,敬语所表达的并不仅限于此,日语论文,它还可以表现说话人自身的“品位”。文章在对有关先行探讨进行总结归纳的基础上,以近年来播放的日剧中人物的对话为中心,通过对不同人物使用敬语情况的考察略论,发现敬语在表现说话人自身较高的品位和良好的涵养或是显示其身份和社会地位上确实具有极为重要的影响。In Japanese,the honorific terms are considered as a way to show respect for others. The Use of honorific terms can help indicate positions and relationships among both parties involved in communication and reflect solemnity of the occasion as well. There have been a large number of studies on the functions of honorific terms nowadays. However,besides the aforementioned functions,they are also used to represent the speakers' taste. Based on the previous studies concerning the subject,the paper made case study of the dialogues in recent Japanese dramas. By observing and analyzing how honorific terms are used by speakers of different capacities,the paper found that honorifics did play an important role in showing the speakers' good tastes and manners or indicating their high social position and status. 关 键 词:敬语 敬语的影响 品位 说话人 分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] ,日语论文 |