
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:戴小清 DAI Xiao-qing (Foreign Language College, HaiNan Normal University, Haikou 571199, China)


出  处:《海南广播电视学院学报》2017年第3期7-10,共4页Journal of Hainan Radio & TV University

摘  要:推量表达方式是一种不确定的判断表达方式,在日语表达中被频繁使用。它的产生、变化发展与日本民族独特的自然观、以及崇尚宽以待人、以和为贵的交际心理等有着密切联系。日语学习者要想真正学好一门语言,除了记忆一定数量词汇、语法和句型外,还必须深刻了解其背后的文化心理。The inferential expression in Japanese is an expression for an uncertain judgment, which is frequently used in the Japanese. Its emergence and development are closely related with Japanese nation~ u- nique concept of nature and their communicative psychology which are frequently expressed in the way of ad- vocating tolerance of others and emphasizing Peace is most precious. If a Japanese learner want to have great mastery of a language, not only should they memorize a certain amout of vocabulary, grammar and sentence structures, but also they should well understand the profound clutural psychology behind the language.

关 键 词:推量表达方式 自然观 文化心理 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
