
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:王忻[1] WANG Xin (School of Foreign Languages, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 311121, China)


出  处:《杭州师范学院学报:社会科学版》2017年第3期122-127,共6页Journal of Hangzhou Teachers College(Humanities and Social Sciences)

基  金:国家哲学社会科学探讨基金一般项目“对中国日语学习者偏误的认知语言学探讨”(09BYY078)的探讨成果.

摘  要:日语用语是一种典型的构式日语论文题目,它与句型对立、并列构成构式的下位分类。构式问误用即相同图式构式框架下的近义的实例构式的误用,这些实例构式间存在着相似性和异同性。 ためになる和 になる 二构式的异同性表现为:在形式上 前一般为领属定语,凸现的是领属联系;になる前一般为性质定语,凸现的是定性联系。在意义上 になる的当事仅限于负面事物。而ためになる不仅没有这一限制,反而以正面事物为主。构式内偏误为相同构式里构式义、词汇义的误用。试验证明,学习者水平越高,日语论文,对构式义的掌握程度越好;学习者水平越低,受构式中词汇义作用就越大。与构式语法“人们只能通过模仿和记忆才能掌握其形式和意义之间的联系”的观点吻合,中高级学习者对构式的模仿记忆的数量和频率都居高位,所以他们出现构式性偏误几率较低。The idiom is a typical construction, a subcategory of construction parallel with sentence pattern. Inter-construction mistakes are actually misuses of synonymic C instances, both similar and different within the same C schema. The differences between the constructions ためになる and になる can be seen in the fact that, formally speaking, ためになる is preceded by a possessive attribute, indicating a possessive relationship, while になる is preceded by a property attribute indicating a quali- fying relationship; on the other hand, regarding what is signified, になる only refers to negative things while ためになる often does the opposite. In fact, inner construction misuses are misuses of construction and vocabulary meanings within the same construction. Experiments have shown that the more advanced learners are, the better mastery they have of construction mean- ing, vice versa. In accordance with the view that the connection between the form and meaning of a construction can only be ac- quired by imitating and memorizing, learners of advanced and middle levels show higher frequency and quantity of imitation and memorization, which accounts for their lower rate of construction misuse.

关 键 词:日语 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
