
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:徐雄彬[1] 王升远[1] Xu Xiongbin Wang Shengyuan(Northeast Normal University)


出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第4期74-81,共8页

基  金:2017年度国家社会科学基金青年项目“文化殖民与都市空间--侵华战争时期日本文化人的‘北京体验’”(批准编号:12CWW013)的阶段性探讨成果.项目主持人:王升远

摘  要:20世纪初日本吞并朝鲜以后,为了统治和利用我国东北地区朝鲜族,以朝鲜族是"日本国臣民"为由,取缔了朝鲜族的民族教育,并对朝鲜族实施了奴化教育。本文略论"九一八"事变前日本对东北地区朝鲜族实施的奴化教育的特点及其毒害性。经探讨发现,因朝鲜族的抗日意识较强,日本对朝鲜族仅仅实施了小学教育,并没有设立中学及其以上学校。实施奴化教育的重点是推行日语教育。同时期日本在我国其他民族学校也实施过奴化教育,但朝鲜族学校所受的毒害最深。在中国东北,朝鲜族学校是唯一将日语变为所谓"国语"的学校,其课时量在整个课时量中所占的比例超过了三分之一。而且日本对朝鲜族学生软硬兼施,实施奴化教育的手段多种多样。韩国也是日本对外发动侵略战争、实施奴化教育的受害者,中韩两国在历史问题上联手共同应对,其意义并不限于殖民教育历史问题本身,关于遏制日本在现实问题上的右倾趋势也有重要意义。In the early 20 th century, after the annexation of Korea, the Japanese military replaced the national education of the Chaoxian people with an enslaving form of education, with the excuse that Korean nationality belonged to Japan in order to consolidate the government and exploit the Chaoxian minority in northeast China. This paper compares the characteristics of that enslaving education and the devastation experienced by the Chaoxian people before the September Eighteenth Incident. It is found that due to intense anti-Japanese sentiment, the Japanese were not able to carry out secondary or tertiary education reform, and had to make do with primary school education. The focus of enslavement education became Japanese language education. Although other ethnic minorities also received schooling with colonial intent, Korean schools suffered the most. In the North-east, Korean schools were the only schools which taught Japanese as a national language, and which occupied over one third of all courses. Both hardware and software policies were adopted for the students in the Chaoxian area with varied tactics. These shed light on many aspects. For example, the direct method was an effective method for teaching Japanese; China and South Korea should work together and jointly respond to Japan on historical issues; identifying the challenges of promoting Chinese education in foreign countries at present, and so on.

关 键 词:日语教育 

分 类 号:G529.6[文化科学—教育学;文化科学—教育技术学]
