
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:付怡[1] Fu Yi


出  处:《科教文汇》2017年第2期169-171,共3页

摘  要:纵观古今,深谙历史的人都明白日本文化之本源,很大程度上是从中华民族文化精髓演变而来。自秦时徐福出海至琉球国,再到三国时王经于日本传教,后至五胡乱华时期大量工匠东渡重洋,远赴日本劳务,使之日本文化在绳文时代进步迅速。这一时期在日本兴起的汉礼,至今仍可在日本文化传统中得以体现。时至唐朝末年,通过长期不断的学习、吸纳中国文化与传统,日本发明了自有文字--平假名、片假名,即由汉字草书及部首组成的日本早期文字。在这一时期进入日语的汉字词,多追随古代汉语的原意沿用至今。由此,可以说日语中的汉字词基本上都是从中国古代汉语中借鉴而去,日语与汉语虽各自分属于不同的语系,但两国语言中的汉字词如上所述,根本就是同宗且同源的。然而,随着中国部分汉字的古释义于现代汉语领域中逐渐被弱化或淘汰,日语初学者若用现代汉语的释义去学习、或是猜测,武断地望文生义,恐将造成误用之果。本文通过考察中国古文字的诞生与变迁史,从历史的角度研讨中日古文字的演变情况,日语论文题目,略论了日本对传入中国汉字的吸收与再创造,日语毕业论文,并基于此展开了对日语汉字与中国汉字词义关联互译的研讨,以期对日语语言学习与文字领域探讨有所助益。Throughout history, people with a profound knowledge of history all know that Japanese culture is evolved from the cul-tural essence of the Chinese nation to a great extent. From Xu Fu's navigation to Liuqiu in the Qin period, to Wang Jing's mis-sionary work in Japan during the Three Kingdoms period, and then to the period when the five nomadic nations invaded China, many craftsmen travelledl eastward on the sea to work in Japan, resulting in the rapid progress of Japanese culture in the Sheng-wen period when the Chinese etiquette rose in Japan, which is still reflected in Japanese cultural tradition even in today. Up un-til late Tang Dynasty, through long-term and continuous learning and absorption of Chinese culture and tradition, Japanese invent-ed their own characters—hiraganas and katakanas, which are early Japanese characters constituted by Chinese cursive hand-writing and radicals. Chinese chaacters, introduced into Japanese in this period, are still in use today with their original meanings in ancient Chinese. Hence, it can be judged that Chinese characters in Japanese are generally all referred from ancient Chinese, so though belonging to different language families respectively, Japanese and Chinese, as elaborated above, are fundamentally consanguineous and homologous. However, with the gradual weakening and elimination of ancient meanings of some Chinese characters in contemporary Chinese, new Japanese learners will probably make mistakes if they learn or guess on the basis of modern Chinese meanings. Through investigating the birth and changes of ancient Chinese characters, this paper explores the evolution of ancient Chinese and Japanese characters from a his-torical perspective, analyzes Japanese absorption and re-creation of Chinese characters, and on this basis, explores the correla-tion-based mutual translation of word meanings between Japanese kanjis and Chinese characters, hoping to benefit Japanese language learning and researches in the field of charac-ters.
