
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:黄丽婷[1] HUANG Li - ting (Department of Foreign Languages, Nanfang College of Sun Yat- sen University, Guangzhou Guangdong 510900, China)


出  处:《湖北函授学院学报》2017年第15期126-127,共2页

摘  要:日语学习者而言,应用日语进行成功的交际,从而维持和谐的人际联系是一个非常重要的学习目标。而要实现成功的交际,理解日语的礼貌准则是不可或缺的因素。本论文从礼貌准则这个角度略论日语学习者的学习难点,并且研讨日语教学中应该注意的问题,有利于提高日语学习者的异文化交流的能力。For Japanese learners, use Japanese to achieve a successful communication, and maintain harmonious interpersonal relationship, which is a very important learning goal. The politeness principle is an indispensable factor for Japanese learning. The article analyzes the difficulties in learning Japanese politeness principle for Chinese Japanese learners, and discusses the problems which should be paid attention to Japanese teaching. So that learners of Japanese can improve their ability of cross - cultural communication.

关 键 词:礼貌准则 积极面子 消极面子 

分 类 号:G642[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学]
