
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:赵仲 


出  处:《东北亚外语探讨》2017年第4期58-64,共7页

摘  要:日语心理动词因为表达人的内在心理活动,在会话句中做谓语使用时受到人称制约。以往的探讨多将心理动词人称制约现象总结为第三人称主语句中无法使用动词的ル形和タ形。而笔者以为,日语心理动词的人称制约涉及到包括心理动词句的句子功能、人称、动词的时体态等多个方面,应以"句子功能:人称+动词时体态"的综合体来进行全面略论。由此,本文将日语心理动词的人称制约现象分为两类,从广义角度对其进行重新解读,并略论了其动因机制,以达到更好地掌握其使用特征的目的。Japanese psychological verbs express people's psychological activities and when used as the predicate in a sentence, they are restricted by person. Without the comprehension of person restriction, we cannot use these verbs in a right way. Most previous studies show that person restriction has no means of using the form of "ru" or "ta", when the verbs are used in sentences with third person as the subject. However, in the author's opinion, the person restriction is associated with many factors, for example, the meaning and function of a sentence, the person, the tense and aspect of verbs. Therefore, we should analyze it as a mixture, "sentence function: person + tense, aspect and voice of a psych verb". By analyzing the person restriction from two aspects, the paper makes a reinterpretation of the phenomenon in a broader sense. The new understanding can help us handle these verbs properly.

关 键 词:心理动词 人称制约 句子功能 动词时体态 动因机制 

分 类 号:H363[语言文字—日语]
