
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:白玉兰 BAI Yu-lan ( College of foreign languages, East China Institute Of Technology, Nanchang 330013, China)


出  处:《东华理工学院学报:社会科学版》2017年第4期377-379,共3页Journal of East China Institute of Technology

基  金:江西省教育规划课题“新就业形势下的普通高校IT日语复合人才培养模式探讨”(12YB163)

摘  要:随着中国对日软件外包开发领域的飞速发展,IT日语复合人才一度成为了社会急缺人才之一。不少高校也对这方面的人才培养进行了多方面的探究,然而总体来看,仍没有融合好"日语"与"IT"两方面的教学资源,IT日语人才的培养质量也不尽人意。本课题从教学模式、平台建设、师资队伍等方面剖析了目前IT日语复合人才培养中的不足,并探究改进IT日语复合人才培养的途径与方法。With the rapid development of China's software outsourcing open to Japan,IT integrative talents of Japanese have been in urgent need for a long time. Despite the much exploration in the cultivating patterns of such talents,it still needs much work in improving the balance of teaching resources between Japanese and IT. In general,the quality of the cultivated IT talents of Japanese can hardly meet the demands of the society. This paper intends to analyze the shortages of the cultivating pattern of IT integrative talents of Japanese from the following aspects: the teaching patterns,the construction of platforms and teacher resources. Meanwhile this paper will also explore the methods and strategies for improving the cultivation of IT integrative talents of Japanese.

关 键 词:IT日语复合人才 人才培养模式 校企联合 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
