作 者:易阿丹[1] YI A-dan (Hunan University of Finance and Economics, Changsha 410205, Hunan, China) 机构地区:[1]湖南财政经济大学外语系,湖南长沙410205 出 处:《中南林业科技学院学报:社会科学版》2017年第6期284-287,共4页 基 金:湖南省教育厅科研项目:“语料库驱动下日语语用能力的促进探讨”(编号:14C0193); 湖南财政经济大学院级课题:“高校财经类日语系教学计划比较略论”阶段成果之一 摘 要:对中央财经学院、对外经贸学院等国内七所知名学院的财经类日语系本科教学计划、课程结构、通识课程领域分布、财经类课程设置以及课程学期分布进行了统计和比较略论。然后通过对统计结果的思考,找出当前国内高校财经类日语系教学的薄弱环节,并对此提出了几点改进建议。Taking the Japanese major undergraduate teaching plans of seven Chinese prestigious universities as the researching project, including Central University of Finance and Economics, Universality of International Business and Economics, etc., this paper makes a statistic and comparative analysis on the curriculum structures, the distribution of general course fields, the designing of financial and economics courses, and the term distribution of courses of these universities. And after a close study on the statistical results, the paper then identifies the weak points in Japanese major teaching of Chinese financial universities. The paper further presents concrete proposals for improvement. 关 键 词:财经类日语系 教学计划 合理配置 分 类 号:G125[文化科学] H36[语言文字—日语] ,日语论文题目,日语毕业论文 |