
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:梁新娟[1] LIANG Xin-juan (Department of Japanese, School of Foreign Studies, Ji Mei University, Xiamen 361021)


出  处:《湖南商大学学报》2017年第6期124-128,共5页Journal of Hunan Business College

基  金:集美学院社会科学2017年度预研基金项目(编号:1017)的阶段性成果之一.

摘  要:本文从教学定位、课程设置、评估三方面对本科日语口译教学进行了研讨。从定位来说,日语口译教学担负着提高语言能力和进行初步口译技能培训的双重任务。在课程设置中,日语口译教学应将口译技能训练和主题训练相结合,口译理论贯穿始终,在训练过程中逐步提高日语语言能力。在评估方面,日语论文,采用终结性评价和形成性评价相结合的方式,日语论文,鼓励学生参加各种资格考试、口译大赛,教学过程中导入形成性评价,建立学习档案。This paper explores Japanese interpretation teaching from the perspectives of teaching orientation, curriculum setting and assessment. In terms of orientation, Japanese interpretation teaching involves language ability improvement and basic interpretation training. In curriculum setting, Japanese interpretation teaching should integrate interpreting skills training with theme training under the guidance of interpreting theories to gradually improve students' language ability. From the perspective of assessment, formative assessment and summative assessment are combined to encourage students to participate in qualifications and interpreting contests. In the teaching process, formative assessment is adopted and students' portfolio is established.

关 键 词:课程设置 评估 

分 类 号:H369[语言文字—日语]
