
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:崔健[1] CUI Jian (College of Chinese Studies, Beiijng Language and Culture University, Beiijng 100083)


出  处:《汉语学习》2017年第3期3-13,共11页Chinese Language Learning

摘  要:本文以汉语、韩语、日语为主要样例,考察了指示词的复杂度、指称意义句法功能之间的对应联系及其异同。汉语句法位置的句法属性和语用属性的标记性异同直接作用指示形式的选择。而韩语和日语光杆指示词已失去自足性,因此主宾语位置一律采用复杂指示形式,但在定语位置上呈现异同。这种差别主要因指示词的功能分化程度不同所致。指示形式的复杂化手段的异同,导致指称形式的类型异同和功能负荷量的异同。This paper makes a comparison and contrast, by the data from Chinese, Korean and Japanese languages,between the complexity degree of the demonstratives,their references and the corresponding syntactic functions. In Chinese,the different syntactic and pragmatic features,introduced by different structural positions, are directly related to the alternative patterns of the demonstrative forms,while in Korean and Japanese languages,complex forms may occur in any subject or object position, since the demonstratives in the bare forms are not self-sufficient. However, it is not such a case in the attributive positions. These differences are mainly due to the variations of functional demonstratives,which are realized in terms of their different types and different functional loads.

关 键 词:指示词 

分 类 号:H146.3[语言文字—汉语]
