
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:禹永爱[1] YU Yong-ai(Faculty of Foreign Languages,Shenyang Normal University,Shenyang 110034,China)


出  处:《沈阳工程大学学报:社会科学版》2017年第3期377-380,共4页Journal of Shenyang Institute of Engineering:Social Sciences

摘  要:人们在用语言相互沟通时,为能够更加顺畅,首先要考虑给对方带来的感受及作用。日语中求人时特别顾忌对方的心情,为事情能够得到圆满解决,通常会使用配虑表现。求别人即依赖时,一般会产生积极的和消极的面子侵害,为使对方免遭侵害而使用配虑表现。通过略论"执行"型依赖表现、"命令"型依赖表现、"愿望表出"型依赖表现的大量例句,考察了不同的配虑表现。依赖表现的配虑程度,一般来说越是委婉,消极配虑的程度就越高;被依赖方越是容易拒绝,积极配虑的程度越高。The consideration of the addressee’s feelings is the guarantee of a smooth communication.To make their requests received,Japanese frequently makes use of consideration expressions.While making requests,positive and negative face threats are posed on the address and consideration expressions are employed to avoid such threats.By analyzing the examples of execution requests,command requests and wish manifestation requests,the paper makes a study on different consideration expressions and the results show that the more euphemistic a request is,the higher the degree of negative consideration;the more likely a request is to be refused,the higher the degree of positive consideration is.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
