作 者:张秋菊[1] Zhang Qiu-ju;Yangtze Normal Uinversity; 机构地区:[1]长江师范大学 出 处:《南昌教育大学学报》2017年第12期174共2页Journal of Nanchang College of Education 摘 要: 如何培养符合社会需要的运用型、复合型商务日语人才是我国商务日语教育必须探究的重要课题。本文试概括商务日语的概念,略论商务日语人才培养目标定位,并在此基础上探究科学有效的商务日语教学模式,提出在商务日语教学中应采取运用型人才培养模式,重视学生语言技能和跨文化交际能力的培养。How to train inter-disciplinary and applied talents of business Japanese that meet the needs of society is an important topic that our national business Japanese education must explore. This paper tries to generalize the concept of business Japanese, analyze the objective of business Japanese talents training, explore a scientific and efficient teaching model of business Japanese on this basis, and present that we should adopt applied talents training model and attach importance to the cultivation of the students' language skills and cross-cultural communicative competence. 分 类 号:H36-4[语言文字—日语] ,日语毕业论文,日语毕业论文 |