作 者:李丹蕊[1] 机构地区:[1]天津外国语学院 出 处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第3期55-61,共7页 摘 要:本文以中高级中国日语学习者的200篇作文为考察文本,以“の”的过度使用现象的调查结果为依据,在对有关“的”母语负迁移问题的先行探讨中的若干观点进行思考的基础上,试提出几点研讨意见。①本文调查结果显示,“の”与某些特定词语的固定搭配的误用率相对较低,而且误用原因各异,不宜统而概之。比如一类的误用并不是表面的修饰语与被修饰语的联系问题,日语论文,而是深层次的语法约束问题。②通过对汉语“一+量词”构造的负迁移与“の”的过度使用之关联的考察,试得出本文考察范围内的相对结论:“一+量词”的特指功能为汉语所特有,日语论文,其负迁移导致学习者对Through an examination of 200 Japanese essays which were written by Chinese students majoring in Japanese language, this paper mainly focuses on the extreme overuse of the Japanese word no to bring forward points based on prior studies of the negative transfer syndrome from the Chinese word de to the Japanese word no. First, this research demonstrates that the malapropism of no in combination with a few terms in set structures seems to be relatively low, while the malapropism samples do not have the same characteristics. For example, the misuse of the word no in the phrase midori no tameni is not caused by the problem between surface modifier and modified objects. Second, according to the study of the relationship between the negative transfer syndrome of the habitual usage of one-plus-quantifier in Chinese and the overuse of the Japanese word no, it can be concluded that the habitual pattem of one-plus-a-quantifier (in Chinese) is only specific in Chinese, and the negative transfer syndrome of this Chinese habitual pattern leads to the confusing usage of "one-plus-quantifier+no+noun in Japanese, which can be one of the causes of the overuse of the Japanese word no. 关 键 词:“的”的母语负迁移 の的过度使用 误用略论 分 类 号:H364[语言文字—日语] |