
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:焦丽珍[1] JIAO Lizhen (Dept. of Foreign Language, Xinzhou Teachers University, Xinzhou 034000, China)


出  处:《中北学院学报:社会科学版》2017年第3期57-60,65共5页Journal of North China Institute of Technology(Social Sciences)

基  金:忻州师范大学院级科研项目:应用迁移理论指导“二外”教学的实证探讨(201717)

摘  要:日语代词分类详尽、用法复杂。其人称代词使用率偏低,表达形式多样,与汉语英语中的代词用法有较大异同。人称代词的特点及指示代词的多元性恰恰成了我国英语系学习者掌握日语代词的难点。因为学习者在学习过程中普遍受到了英语、汉语代词用法对其的迁移作用。基于这种近况,对日语、英语、汉语三语代词的分类及功能作了详尽的对比略论,指出了学习者易受迁移作用的地方,目的是使学习者能有效利用正迁移,警觉负迁移作用,从而获得学习这部分内容的捷径。Pronouns in Japanese are comprehensive in classification, and complicated in usage. Besides, personal pronouns are less frequently used and varied in expressions, largely different from those in Chinese and English. Hence the characteristics of personal pronouns and diversity of demonstrative pronouns make the learning of Japanese pronouns more difficult for English majors in China due to the transfer influence of English and Chinese pronouns. Based on this, this paper makes a thorough analysis and comparison on the classification and function in English, Chinese and Japanese pronouns, and proposes how the learners can easily affected by the transfer influence in order to make full use of positive transfer and alert the negative influence.

关 键 词:语言迁移 

分 类 号:H042[语言文字—语言学]
