
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:王茜[1] WANG Qian ( School of Foreign Languages , Shenyang Aerospace University, Shenyang 110136)


出  处:《沈阳航空航天学院学报》2017年第6期35-37,共3页Journal of Shenyang Institute of Aeronautical Engineering

摘  要:不同文化背景的社会具有不同的礼貌规范,从而产生的语言表达的礼貌准则也各有特点。因此,在语言交流当中,我们的语言除了要符合语法规则,还要遵守来自不同文化背景的语言习惯以及在这一语言背景下形成的礼貌准则,否则,有可能造成交际失败。从语用论的角度出发,日语毕业论文,对日语使用“たぃ”的愿望问句进行了研讨,略论使用限制的原因并提出补救策略以达到顺利实现语言交际的目的。Different societies of different cultural backgrounds have different social politeness norms, so that politeness principle of the language arising from it also has its own characteristics. Therefore, in communica- tion what we said must comply with grammar rules, and we should also be subject to their habits and polite- ness principle that come from their cultural backgrounds. Otherwise, it may cause communication failure. Starting From the pragmatic point of view, this paper discusses desire question of Japanese "たぃ", analy- zes the reasons of restrictions on its use and puts forwards remedial strategies, aiming to realize the smooth language communication.

关 键 词:たい句式 失礼 限制 私人领域 补救策略 

分 类 号:G623.36[文化科学—教育学]
