
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:靳成[1] 张芳[1] JIN Cheng;ZHANG Fang(School of Foreign Languages,Jisangsu Teachers University of Technology,Changzhou,213001,China)


出  处:《无锡商业职业技术大学学报》2017年第5期86-89,共4页Journal of Vocational Institute of Commercial Technology

摘  要:苏南地区日语人才需求主要集中在日资(合资)公司、对日出口型中小企业、对日软件外包本地化翻译服务业这三大领域。为提高学生的翻译技能和职场竞争力,苏南地方高校日语翻译教学应确立以运用翻译能力培养为中心的目标定位,以功能主义翻译理论指导教学,同时适当引入项目管理思想,重点培养学生面向前述三大领域需求的翻译技能,即面向日资(合资)公司的商务翻译技能、面向对日出口型中小企业的工具型翻译技能、面向对日软件外包本地化翻译服务行业的翻译项目运作技能。Three types of enterprises in southern Jiangsu Province,namely,Japanese enterprises(exclusively-invested or joint-ventures),small and medium-sized export-oriented enterprises and the enterprises involved in localization of Japanese software outsourcing have great demand for workers competent in Japanese.The teaching of Japanese translation in the colleges and universities in this area should be guided by the functional translation theory and focused on the training of students' practical translation ability.The teaching should also be merged with the idea of project management,and be focused on training business translation skills workers in Japanese enterprises mentioned above need to have.

关 键 词:日语翻译教学 苏南地方高校 就业导向型 “三个面向” 

分 类 号:H365.9[语言文字—日语]
