作 者:徐淑丹[1] 宋晓真[1] 张新[1] XU Shu-dan,SONG Xiao-zhen,ZHANG Xin(School of Foreign Studies,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou 510006,China) 出 处:《黑龙江教育大学学报》2017年第1期 29-32,共4页Journal of Heilongjiang College of Education 基 金:2017年度广州学院教育教学探讨项目《广州地区日语人才培养模式探讨》(广大[2017]38号文)成果 摘 要:按照中国教育部的《面向21世纪外语专业本科教育改革的若干意见》和教育部高等学校外语专业教育指导委员会日语组制定的出台《高等院校日语系教育大纲》的精神,研讨广州地区日语人才如何适应现代化社会的需求,略论广州地区的产业特色及广州地区对日语人才需求状况,提出复合运用型日语人才的培养模式,明确日语系教学在广州产业结构链中的意义和存在价值,以期为解决日语系毕业生出路问题提供参考。According to Chinese Ministry of Education's "Some Views on the Reform of Foreign Language Undergraduate education for the 21st Century" and Ministry of Education Foreign Language Education Guidance Committee Japanese group's "Guideline for Japanese Education in Universities",the paper aims to explore how to make the Guangzhou Japanese talents adapt to the needs of modern society,analyze industry characteristics in Guangzhou and Guangzhou's requirements for Japanese talents,and propose the compound application-oriented training model of Japanese talents.It makes clear Japanese teaching's value in Guangzhou's industrial structure chain and provides a reference to solve the employment problem of Japanese graduates. 关 键 词:课程设置 分 类 号:H369[语言文字—日语] C915[经济管理;社会学] ,日语毕业论文,日语毕业论文 |