作 者:秦国和[1] 高亮[1] QIN Guo-he, GAO- Liang (College of Foreign Languages, Shaoguan University, Shaoguan 512017, Guangdong, China) 机构地区:[1]韶关大学外语大学,广东韶关512017 出 处:《韶关大学学报》2017年第1期 45-48,共4页Journal of Shaoguan University(Social Science Edition) 摘 要:日本近现代文学和影视著作中,日语毕业论文,有些文化元素由于表现形式异于常态,甚至是另类,有悖于传统文化柔美顺和的基调,经常被冠以“变态”、“恐怖”、“残酷”、“畸形”等称呼。这些文化元素具有审美主义、性爱取向、生死观三个方面的文化根源。Japan alternative culture appears in modem literature, films and television plays. And these are undoubtedly indelible cultural treasures in the development stage of Japanese culture. But owing to the comparison of cultural expressions different from the normal, and even altemative, and there seems to be contrary to the traditional culture of soft, gentle tone, often dubbed "metamorphic", "horrible", "cruel", "abnormal", and etc. This essay takes extreme manilestations oi ~is kind ol culture as the starting point, analyzing personat~zat~on and carrier of performance. Based upon literary and artistic analyses, the paper explores the root of this kind ofculture in terms of Japanese traditional aestheticism, sexual orientation, life and death viewpoints. 分 类 号:I313.07[文学—其他各国文学] ,日语论文 |