
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:郝夜静[1] HAO Ye- jing ( Tianjin Sino - German Vocational Technical College, Tianjin, China 300350)


出  处:《天津职业院校联合学报》2017年第6期 50-51,55,共3页Journal of Tianjin Vocational Institutes

摘  要:文化种源看,中国文化向来被视为日本文化的母体。尽管中日两国关系紧密,然而不少日语学习者在深入学习之后,对日本文化、中日文化异同等方面,总有不理解、不适应的现象出现,从而作用到日语的进一步学习。学习日语应该做到针对异文化交流,进行专门训练;对照语言表达,发现文化特点。Abstract:In terms of culture provenance, Chinese culture has always been regarded as the parent of Japanese culture. China and Japan are closely connected and many Japanese learners study Japanese culture in depth, but problems may occasionally occur when they do not understand Sino-Japanese cul- tural differences or they just can't adapt to Japanese culture, which may affect their further study of Jap- anese. Learning Japanese is to exchange with exotic culture, to receive special training, to express with the language and to find the cultural characteristics.

关 键 词:异文化 异文化交流 中日文化异同 日语教育 

分 类 号:G04[文化科学]
