
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:李莉[1] 


出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第1期 25-30,共6页

摘  要:「不」作为日语中重要的否定接头词,有过不少探讨。先行探讨指出,「不」与形容词(以下称作「A」)结合时,「不A」和词根A之间,既可以构成矛盾对立的联系又可以构成反对对立的联系。但是,什么样的情况下,「不A」和A构成矛盾对立,又是什么样的情况,「不A」和A构成反对对立,先行探讨没有做具体的略论。笔者认为,「不A」与其词根A之间是构成矛盾对立还是构成反对对立,是由词根A是否具有程度性特征决定的。本文首先从是否具有"程度性"特征这一角度,将与「不」结合的形容词词根分为三类,继而分别考察这三类词根与「不A」形成的联系。在考察和略论的过程中,本文还指出了汉字词汇「不」构成的否定与和语词汇「ない」构成的否定在语义上的差别。The paper studies the Japanese negative prefix"hu"with the root being an adjective(simplified as A).It is generally agreed that the relationship between"hu A"and its root"A"are either contradictory or contrary.It is hard to define,however, under what circumstances they are contradictory and why they are contrary in some other cases.In the author's opinion,this is decided by whether the root A has the gradable characteristic.In this paper,the roots prefixed by"hu"are divided into three categories according to their gradable characteristic.Then the paper analyzes the relationship between the three types of roots and "hu A".The difference between"hu"and"ない(nai)"is also presented in this article.

关 键 词:否定接头词 极点 程度性 矛盾对立 反对对立 

分 类 号:H364[语言文字—日语]
