
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:苍丽影 俞贤淑[2] CANG Li-ying,YU Xian-shu (1.Dalian University of Foreign Languages, Dalian 116600,China; 2.College of Foreign Languages,Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116081,China)

机构地区:[1]不详 [2]辽宁师范学院外语大学,辽宁大连116081

出  处:《大连学院学报》2017年第2期 130-134,共5页Journal of Dalian University

摘  要:认知语言学为理论基础,日语论文,通过参照辞典释义和归纳总结的措施,明确了「手」合成词语义范畴并对其语义扩展机制进行了尝试性的略论探讨。通过略论发现,日语毕业论文,「手」合成词语义范畴中表示“与手有关的各种物品和工具”的绝大部分词汇是在具备了“空间相似性”、“形状相似性”和“功能相似性”的基础上通过隐喻机制扩展而来。多义现象是通过人类认知手段由一个词的原型义项向其他意义延伸的过程。延伸的模式是“辐射式”与“连锁式”并存的“仙人掌式”结构。Based on the theory of cognitive linguistics, with a reference of dictionary interpretations and summaries, this paper makes clear about the semantic category of a compound word "hand" , and makes an analysis on its semantic extension. It is found in the analysis that, the compound word "hand" referring to all objects and tools related to hand in the semantic category came from the extension of metonymy system after they obtain space similarity, shape similarity and function similarity. The language phenomenon of pol- ysemy is a process of a word' s original semantic item extending to other meanings through human cognitive means. The model of extension is a cactus structure in which radiant type and Chain-like co-exist.

关 键 词:合成词 语义范畴 语义扩展 认知略论 

分 类 号:H030[语言文字—语言学]
