作 者: 机构地区:[1]西安外国语学院外国语言学及运用语言学探讨中心/东方语言文化大学,陕西西安710128 [2]名古屋学院探讨生院,日本名古屋464-8601 [3]广岛经济学院经济系,日本广岛731-0192 出 处:《外语教学》2017年第4期36-40,共5页Foreign Language Education 基 金:国家社科基金一般项目“基于话语礼貌理论的日语敬语教学方略探讨”(11BYY118);教育部人文社科探讨项目(西部)“基于认知交际理论的汉日礼貌策略对比探讨”(10XJC740006);陕西省教育厅专项科研计划“基于自然语料的日汉交际行为对比探讨”(2017JK242)的资助 摘 要:敬语是困扰中国学生日语学习的难点之一,本论文旨在通过通径略论明晰作用敬语习得的诸因素。我们对119名日语学习者进行了日语能力测试和敬语水平测试后,构建了通径模型,略论变量间的因果联系后发现:1)日语学习时间长短与敬语水平间没有因果联系;2)尊他语能力受到非活用语与助词习得的直接作用,但尊他语能力不直接作用助词习得;3)自谦语能力受到助词习得的直接作用;4)活用语和非活用语习得间虽无因果联系,日语毕业论文,但双方和助词习得间互有因果联系,通过助词习得间接作用敬语习得。以上结果表明,日语论文题目,助词等语法因素是作用敬语习得的直接因素。This paper attempts to examine the influence factors on the acquisition of Keigo based on path analysis. We have conducted a simple Japanese language proficiency test and a Keigo test to 119 Chinese Japanese leaners. The correlation be- tween the overall scores of grammar and keigo was significant. Thus, causal relations between Japanese proficiency and Keigo proficiency were examined by path analyses. Four findings have been revealed in the present study. First, there is no causal relation between length of Japanese studies and acquisition of Keigo. Second, the knowledge of Jyosi and Hikatsuyogo directly influences acquisition of exalted expressions. Third, the knowledge of Jyosl affects acquisition of humble expressions, Fourth, there is no causal relation between Katsuyougo and Hikatsuyogo. 关 键 词:敬语 通径略论 尊他语 自谦语 分 类 号:H030[语言文字—语言学] |