
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:韦少敏[1] WEI Shaomin (Zhaoqing Business and Technology College, Zhaoqing526020, Guangdong)


出  处:《肇庆大学学报》2017年第4期 61-64,共4页Journal of Zhaoqing University (Bimonthly)

摘  要:"ケツション言葉"即缓冲语使用商务日语交际中的语用特点之一。日本人在商务交际中,当委托、请求、询问、提议、提出反对意见或拒绝对方要求等时候,日语论文题目日语毕业论文,为避免语言过于直接、生硬、冷淡而使对方感到不愉快,通过使用缓冲语来缓和气氛。本文从略论常见缓冲语的使用情况入手,剖析缓冲语在维系人际联系,顺利实现交际目的的重要性。The Japanese “ケツション言葉” is one of moderating words. In the process of business com- munication of Japanese, especially when commission, request, inquiry, proposal, dissent or refusal are made, these words are employed to avoid unpleasant communication, in other words to moderate talk. Based on analyzing "ケツション言葉", this paper focuses on the imoortance of these kind of words.

关 键 词:商务日语 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
