作 者:樊颖[1] 机构地区:[1]北京第二外国语大学 出 处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第6期 52-60,共9页 摘 要:虽然意愿性是他动词的基本属性之一,但日语的他动词中还是存在着不少非自主动词[意志动词]。本文从描写语言事实的角度出发,对他动词中非自主动词的分布做了梳理和说明,并进一步阐述了他动词中的非自主动词的语义和句法特征。他动词中的非自主动词及物性较低,与及物性的原型义距离较远,日语毕业论文,而与自动词较为接近。另外从论元结构的角度考察他动词中的非自主动词的动作主体,其论元角色不是施事,日语论文,而是感受或对象。There are many non-volitional verbs in Japanese transitive verbs although volitiveness is a basic attribute of transitive verbs. This paper consists of two parts. The first part provides an introduction to non-w)litional verbs in Japanese transitive verbs. The second part analyses the semantic and syntactic features of non-volitional verbs in Japanese transitive verbs. With typical examples from Japanese language, the paper aims to prove that the transitivity of non-w)litional verbs is weak as non-volitional verbs are far from the prototype of transitivity. Non-volitional verbs and intransitive verbs are more similar to each other. The argument role of non-volitional verbs' subject is not an agent, but an experience or agentive object. 关 键 词:他动词 非自主动词 及物性 论元角色 分 类 号:H146.2[语言文字—汉语] |