
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:魏丽春 WEI Lichun(School of International Languages, Xiamen University of Technology, Xiamen 361024, China)


出  处:《厦门理工大学学报》2017年第2期66-71,共6页Journal of Xiamen University of Technology

基  金:福建省中青年教师教育科研项目(JAS150181)

摘  要:汉日维度形容词"粗、细"在空间实指义和引申义上有共通语义,但也存在意义用法不对称,语义引申机制不一致的情况。在语义引申意中,汉语"粗"往往用于表示贬义,"细"表示褒义;而日语中,"太い"一般表示褒义,"細い"表示贬义。在句法上,汉语"粗、细"用法有对称性,即能用"粗"的基本也能用"细";而日语的"太い""細い"除了在条形物和人体部位上的对称性外,在其他名词上多呈现"细"能用而"粗"不能用或者极少用的非对称性倾向。同时,它们在做状语的用法上也存在很大的不对称性,"细"使用频率远高于"粗",并且它与"開く/開ける"等动词的搭配是汉语所没有的语用方式。Chinese and Japanese dimensional adjectives of thick and thin have shared semantics on their implied and extended meaning and different semantic usage and extensions in other cases. In semantic extension,Cu( thick) in Chinese is always used derogatively and Xi( thin) commendatorily,but futoi( thick) in Japanese is always used commendatorily and hosoi( thin) derogatively. The Chinese adjectives Cu( thick) and Xi( thin) are symmetrical in syntax that they can substitute each other in all kinds of contexts. In contrast,the Japanese adjective futoi( thick) and hosoi( thin) cannot be used symmetrically except in describing string-like objects and parts of human body. When working as adverbial,hosoi( thin) is much more frequently used than futoi( thick),and its collocation with verbs hiraku and akeru in Japanese is not shared by Xi( thin) in Chinese.

关 键 词:语义 句法 

分 类 号:H363[语言文字—日语] H364.3[语言文字—日语]
