
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:韩涛 HAN Tho (Japanese Department, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, 100089)


出  处:日本问题探讨》2017年第2期73-80,共8页Japan Problem Studies

基  金:北京外国语学院2017年基本科研业务费院系自主项目“日本语言政策探讨”; 国家语委“十二五”科研规划2017年重点项目“国家认同视角下的国外少数民族语言政策探讨”(ZDI125-34); 教育部重大攻关项目“东亚国家语言中文字词汇使用近况探讨”(12JZD014)

摘  要:日本是当前世界上少有的民族、国民和语言的构成相对单一的国家。然而,一百多年前,处于幕藩体制下的日本列岛还是一个由68个藩国组成的语言(口语)不通的列岛。日本的语言政策在这一百多年间经历了怎样的演变过程是值得探讨和深思的。通过从(1)"国语"的出现和确立;(2)国语(标准语)的推广和普及;(3)战后的国语改革;(4)日语的国际化这四个方面梳理这一百多年来日本语言政策的演变路径,有助于了解日本的社会变革以及语言文化变迁,并从中获得历史启迪。Japan is one of few countries in the world that is homogeneous ethnically, racially and linguistically. However, more than one hundred years ago,the Japanese archipelago under the Bakuhan system was composed of 68 states with different (spoken) languages. The evolution of language policy in Japan over the past 100 years is worth investigating and contemplating. In this study,the evolution of Japanese language policy during this period was explored in terms of the emergence and establishment of its "National Language", the promotion and popularization of National Language (standard language), the reform in National Language after World War Ⅱ and internationalization of the Japanese lan- guage. The study facilitates our understanding of the changes in Japanese society, language and culture and enlightens us with historical insights.

关 键 词:日本 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
