作 者:赵志刚[1] 尹铁超[2] 机构地区:[1]黑龙江学院东语大学,黑龙江哈尔滨150080 [2]黑龙江学院西语大学,黑龙江哈尔滨150080 出 处:《吉林师范学院学报:人文社会科学版》2017年第5期78-83,共6页Jilin Normal University JOurnal:Humanities & Social Science Edition 基 金:教育部人文社会科学探讨项目“日汉对音资料的语言探讨”(编号:14YJC740125) 摘 要:日汉对音资料不仅是探讨日语和汉语的重要语学资料,同时也为探讨不同历史时期的日本提供了重要线索,史料价值弥足珍贵。本文首先对明代的对音资料进行梳理与略论,对对音资料各部分的关键内容进行考辨与研讨,其次与明代之前的对音材料进行了纵向对比,略论了对音资料产生的原因及特点,总结了明朝人对日本探讨的特点。Historical documents that recorded the Sino-Japanese language transcriptions are not only important materials for researches on Chinese and Japanese languages, but also valuable clues for studies on different developmental stages of Japanese history. This paper tends first of all to analyze the Sino-Japanese language transcriptions compiled in Ming Dynasty, trying to find out their key contents, and then to make a diachronic comparison of the transcriptions before Ming Dynasty, intending to discover the composition of the transcriptions so as to find out the special features of the Chinese studies of Japan in Ming Dynasty. 关 键 词:日汉对音资料 明代 御倭 分 类 号:H0-09[语言文字—语言学] ,日语毕业论文,日语论文 |