作 者:王琦 WANG Qi (Heilongjiang International University, Harbin 150025, China) 机构地区:黑龙江外国语大学,哈尔滨150025 出 处:《黑龙江科学》2017年第9期86-87,共2页 基 金:黑龙江外国语大学校级科研项目“任务型语言教学模式在韩语日语教学中的运用”(Yn-7) 摘 要:陈旧的教学模式使学生对小语种学习的兴趣大为减弱,学习的积极性和主动性也大受作用,教与学的矛盾越来越突出,任务型教学就是在这种背景下应运而生的。任务型教学法是教师为了使学习者利用目标语言进行沟通、交流而布置一定的任务,学习者通过解决任务问题的过程而进行语言学习的一种教学措施,这能锻炼目标语言使用能力。The old mode of teaching has greatly diminished students' interests in minority language learning, and also greatly affected learning enthusiasm and initiative, thus task-based teaching is born at the fight moment with the increasing prominent contradiction of teaching and learning. Teachers arrange a certain task to enable learners to use the target language to communicate and exchange in task-based teaching mode,solve problems and learn language through this method learners, which can exercise the ability to use the target language. 关 键 词:任务型 分 类 号:H319[语言文字—英语] ,日语毕业论文,日语毕业论文 |