作 者:张卫[1] 机构地区:[1]北京外国语学院日本学探讨中心/教育部考试中心,北京100089 出 处:《东北亚外语探讨》2017年第2期77-83,共7页 摘 要:对1978—2017年国内期刊上刊载的日语测试探讨的文章进行了检索和统计。从探讨结果来看,虽取得了一定的成果,但数量不足,缺乏实证性探讨;从探讨内容来看,虽已涉及国内的各项大规模、标准化考试,但不全面,理论创新不足;从探讨对象来看,多关注考试本身,对考试最直接的参与者和作用者考生缺乏探讨。因此,日语测试在今后应加强实证性探讨、扩大探讨范围、关注考试主体、积极利用先进的计算机技术,从而促进测试及教学的发展。This article reviews papers about Japanese language testing published on domestic journals from 1978 to 2017.As far as the research findings are concerned,certain progress has been made.Nonetheless,the findings,especially those with regard to empirical studies,are yet to be enough.In terms of the research content,all large-scale and standardized tests in China have been covered.However,relevant studies remain superficial and the theoretical renovation is insufficient.When it comes to the research objects,most studies focus on tests,rather than test-takers,who both participate and become influenced to the greatest extent.Based on these analyses,it is recommended that in the future study of Japanese language testing,more empirical studies should be conducted together with an expanded scope of research and a greater focus on test-takers.In addition,the cutting-edge computer technologies could also be fully utilized to promote the development of Japanese language testing and teaching. 关 键 词:日语测试 分 类 号:H360[语言文字—日语] ,日语毕业论文,日语论文 |