
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:罗俊超[1] LUO Jun-chao (School of Foreign Studies, Yulin Normal University,Yulin Guangxi, 537000)


出  处:《科技视界》2017年第15期 158-159,192,共3页Science & technology view

摘  要:学生学习日语的最终目的在于积极思维下能有效应用日语进行交际。要培养学生的日语交际能力,就必须首先培养学生用日语思维的能力,由此可见日语思维能力的培养是日语教学的本质。在日语教学中,教师应当摒弃传统教学中要求学生死记硬背的做法,日语论文,设法创设良好的日语教学情境和课堂学习环境,让学生尽可能的用日语去理解日语,培养学生的直觉思维,日语论文,拓宽创造性思维,全面提高学生日语思维能力。The ultimate aim of learning Japanese is that students can think in Japanese and communicate in Japanese effective- ly. To cultivate students' communicative ability in Japanese, the first and foremost thing is to cultivate their ability to think in Japanese, which is the core of Japanese teaching. In Japanese teaching, teachers should abandon the traditional way of learning by rote, but create situations and classroom learning environment for students to learn in Japanese, to cultivate their initiative thinking and creative thinking. Then students' ability to think in Japanese can be improved.

关 键 词:日语思维 课堂环境 直觉思维 启发式教学 

分 类 号:TP391.2[自动化与计算机技术—计算机运用技术;自动化与计算机技术—计算机科学与技术]
