
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:孙海英[1] 柯劲松[2] 毕春玲[3] SUN Hai-ying,KE Jin-song,BI Chun-ling(1.College of Humanities and Law,North China University of Technology,Beijing 100144,China; 2.School of Foreign Languages,Northeast Normal University,Changchun 130024,China; 3.School of Foreign Languages,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,China)

机构地区:[1]北方工业学院文法律院,北京100144 [2]东北师范学院外国语大学,吉林长春130024 [3]哈尔滨工业学院外国语大学,黑龙江哈尔滨150001

出  处:《东北师学院报:哲学社会科学版》2017年第6期148-150,共3页Journal of Northeast Normal University(Social Science)

基  金:北京市教育委员会2017年度人文社会科学探讨计划项目(SM201710009006)

摘  要:日语母语者在叙事过程中常使用话语展开型连体修饰节,而中国的日语学习者却很难自觉使用此类连体修饰节。汉语的定语从句由于不具备日语连体修饰节的话语展开功能,往往被中国的日语学习者忽视。从功能的相似性上看,日语话语展开型连体修饰节往往对译为汉语的反指零形主语小句或等立联系的小句。从背景化的角度看,汉语的联系从句在背景化程度上要高于日语话语展开型连体修饰节。从语言教学实践角度看,日语学习者有必要掌握日语连体修饰节的话语功能。在教学环节上将汉语的定语从句与日语的连体修饰节的功能异同总结并教授给学习者将有助于其正确合理地选择符合语境、符合日语和汉语语言表达习惯的表达方式。This paper attempts to demonstrate that the Chinese non-restrictive relative clause has no the discourse development function that the Japanese non-restrictive relative clause has.By the contrast of the Japanese non-restrictive relative clause and its Chinese translation,it is concluded that the discourse development non-restrictive relative clause in Japanese can be translated into the cataphoric zero subject clause or conjoining structures because they share the similar function.From the point of background in cognitive linguistics,the degree of background in Chinese non-restrictive relative clause is higher than the discourse development non-restrictive relative clause in Japanese.

关 键 词:联系从句 汉日对比 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
