
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:刘富华[1] 赵世海[2] LIU Fu-hua,ZHAO Shi-hai(1.School of International Exchange,Jilin University,Changchun 130012,China; 2.College of Foreign Languages,Jilin University,Changchun 130012,China)

机构地区:[1]吉林学院国际交流大学,吉林长春130012 [2]吉林学院外国语大学,吉林长春130012

出  处:《东北师学院报:哲学社会科学版》2017年第6期144-147,共4页Journal of Northeast Normal University(Social Science)

基  金:国际汉语推广东北基地项目

摘  要:日语语音体系中原本没有长音。长音就是吸收了汉语复合韵母的特点,结合日语语音规律,新增加的语音形式。从长音形成来源看,一种是中古汉语阴声韵末尾的[i]、[u]、[o]的音韵;另外两种来源是中古汉语阳声韵和入声韵。它们与日语汉字音中的长音形成整齐的对应联系。这种在中古汉语音韵作用下形成的语音,丰富了日语语音系统。The modern Japanese long tones called special sound,amounts in Japanese kanji vocabulary speech.But in the Japanese phonetic system inherent long sound originally does not exist,it is in ancient Chinese and Japanese study period of sinology knowledge translated Chinese speech to the phonetic forms formed.This paper through the contrast,ancient Chinese pronunciation,find Japanese drawl and medieval Chinese phonetic corresponding laws,exploring the origin of Japanese drawl,discusses the medieval Chinese speech in Japanese long sounds in the process of the formation and development impact.

关 键 词:长音 对应规律 

分 类 号:H113[语言文字—汉语] H36[语言文字—日语]
