
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:张东亚[1] Zhang Dongya (Zhejiang Yuying Vocational and Technical College,Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018)


出  处:《台州大学学报》2017年第1期51-54,92共5页Journal of Taizhou University

基  金:本文为2017年度浙江省高等学校青年骨干教师访问工程师校企合作项目资助(编号:FW2017052)的成果之一.

摘  要:对浙江四所高校日语系学生的调查问卷显示,学生对中日同形词的总体掌握程度不容乐观,其中词语搭配类的误用和母语干扰现象造成的问题较为严重。因此,高校教师需充分关注中日同形词的教学,对中日同形词的误用原因进行整理和分类。同时,日语毕业论文日语论文,教师有必要改革日语教材,在授课过程中采用日语释义的教学措施,并引导学生养成使用日语原版词典的习惯,让学生成为中日同形词学习的主体。Based on a survey on the students' grasp of Chinese-Japanese homographs conducted in four higher vocational colleges,it finds that students don't do well in collocations 54 ~ ) and the interference of mother language can't be gotten rid of in their mind, which teachers should pay due attention to. The reasons of the misuse of homograph should be sorted out and classified. Meanwhile, the following measures should be taken to make the students the principal part of learning: recompiling the textbooks, using Japanese in the explanation of words meaning as well as guiding the students into the habit of using the original edition of Japanese dictionary.

关 键 词:高校 日语系 中日同形词 教与学 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
