
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:刘凯[1] Liu Kai;Suzhou University of Science and Technology;


出  处:《南昌教育大学学报》2017年第12期154-155,共2页Journal of Nanchang College of Education

摘  要: 熟语包括谚语、成语、歇后语和惯用语,具有语音和谐、结构稳定、语义结合紧密的特点,可谓是语言中的精华。通过对熟语考察,能够深刻理解一个国家的风俗习惯、思维方式和国民性格。另一方面,数字不仅是单纯的数量概念,而且能够反映一个国家独特的风情文化。从以上角度来看,熟语和数字同属形式简练、内涵丰富的语言表达形式,文章将两者结合,具有较强的探讨价值。将主要围绕与数字"三"相关汉日熟语及其语义内涵展开论述。Idioms includes idioms, allegorical sayings, with phonetic harmony, stable structure, semantic combination characteristics, it is the essence of language. Through the study of idioms, can understand a country's customs, way of thinking and national character. On the other hand, figure is not only the quantity of pure digital concept, but also can reflect a country's unique culture and customs. From the above perspective, idioms and figures are concise form, rich connotation of the language expression, combining the two, has strong research value. The paper will focus on Japanese and Chinese idioms related to"three"and their semantic study.

关 键 词:三 熟语 汉语 日语 语义 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
