
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:张茹[1] 金前文[1] ZHANG Ru (School of Foreign Languages, Hubei ,JIN Qian Univ. of wen Tech. , Wuhan 430068,China)


出  处:《湖北工业学院学报》2017年第3期94-96,共3页Journal of Hubei University of Technology

摘  要:为了解决现代汉语及日语中敬语体系发展不平衡而导致的两国语言无法准确互译的问题,从上下联系、联系远近、恩惠授受联系三个角度对汉日敬语语用意识进行了对比略论,指出日语敬语的使用场合和频率远远高于汉语,并总结出两国敬语语用意识上的不同之处。To resolve the corresponding problem in translation out of unbalanced development of honorifics in Chinese and Japanese languages, the paper conducted a comparative analysis of both Chinese and Japanese honorifics by studying the following three factors, hierarchical relationship, interpersonal distance and acknowledgement of favor. After systematic analysis and comparison it was found that in real communicational context, Japanese honorifics are used under more specific and strict guidance and are thus more frequently favored than those in Chinese. Differences in the pragmatic use of honorifics in both Chinese and Japanese honorifics were also summarized, which is of great significance for Japanese-Chinese translation.

关 键 词:汉语 日语 敬语 语用意识 比较 

分 类 号:H364[语言文字—日语]
