
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:陈瑶妹[1] CHEN Yao-mei (Zhangzhou Institute of Technology, Zhangzhou ,Fujian ,363000, China)

机构地区:[1]漳州职业技术大学 运用外国语系,福建漳州363000

出  处:《漳州职业技术大学学报》2017年第4期44-48,共5页Journal of Zhangzhou Technical Institute

摘  要:每个人都有姓和名,姓名是代表人的符号,是人们彼此相区别关系的代号。通过结合时代特征和个人的不同,阐述了日本姓名特征中所包含的政治要素、文化要素以及时代要素,论证了日本人姓名的繁衍与发展是一个极其曲折、错综复杂的漫长过程,最终得出了日本姓名特征与封建等级制度、自然、传统、信念和伦理道德、语言文字以及时代要素是紧密关系的观点。Everyone has a first name and family name, the name is representative of the symbol, is the relationship between each other. In this paper, through a combination of the characteristics of the times and the individual difference, expounds the features of Japanese names contained in the political elements, cultural elements and time elements, demonstrates the development of Japanese name is a very tortuous, perplexing the long process, finally reached the day the name characteristic and the feudal hierarchy, nature, tradition, belief and ethics, language and time factor is closely related to the view.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
