
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:郭永刚[1] 罗凯[1] GUO Yong- gang, LUO Kai (School of Foreign Languages, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, Heilongjiang 150040, China)


出  处:《河池大学学报》2017年第4期29-34,共6页Journal of Hechi University

摘  要:日语的动词数量繁多,意义纷杂,但动词之间绝不是毫无关系的存在,它们之间往往可能建构为一个关系深远的“类动词”语义网络。文章就是在国广哲弥对「ふ〈」的略论基础上,应用国广哲弥提倡的现象素以及认知语言学中的重要理论,如意向图示理论、容器图示理论等,对「ふ〈」的原始含义、核心含义、派生过程进行详细略论,以期将「ふ〈」类动词表面看似毫无关系及关系甚远的含义,日语毕业论文,从一个新的认知角度巧妙地关系成有机的整体,日语毕业论文,构建「ふ〈」类动词的语义网络。For most Japanese learners,the number of Japanese verbs is large and their meanings are various, which are difficult to grasp. However, we absolutely cant agree that there are no connections between those verbs. On the basis of Kunihiro Tetsuya' s analysis offuku, this paper attempts to use Phenomeneme that Kunihiro Tetsuya advocated and such important theories in Cognitive Linguistics as Image Schema Theory and Container Schema Theory to make a detailed analysis offuku's original meaning, core meaning and derivational process so as to integrate all the meanings offuku and build up its semantic network from a new cognitive perspective.

关 键 词:「ふく」 类动词 容器图示 多义性 语义扩展 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
