
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:耿凯[1] Geng Kai

机构地区:[1]中国海洋学院外国语大学 山东青岛 266100

出  处:《佳木斯教育大学学报》2017年第8期共1页Journal of Jiamusi Education Institute

摘  要:中日交流可谓源远流长。汉唐时期,日本以中国为学习对象,汉字由中国传入日本。而到了近代,中日交流却出现逆转,日本的“汉语”大量地融入到中国的日常用语当中,日语借词成为汉语的一个重要组成部分。本文拟从现代汉语日语借词传入的几个阶段展开考察,日语论文,力图对日语借词有一个更准确的认识,从而对日语学习起到积极的影响。The communication between China and Japan has a long history. Han and tang dynasties period, China was imitated by Japan,and the Chinese characters were also introduced into Japan.But in modern times, communication between China and Japan went into reverse, lots of“Chinese characters”in Japanese were introduced into Chinese, Japanese loanwords have become an important part of Chinese. This article will investigate by the introduce of Japanese loanwords in modern Chinese, so as to have a better understanding of Japanese loanwords,and play an active role in Japanese learning.

关 键 词:日语借词 现代汉语 传入 日语学习 

分 类 号:H109.4[语言文字—汉语]
