作 者:闫茁[1] Yan Zhuo (Male) Professor of Liaoning Normal University 机构地区:[1]辽宁师范学院 出 处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第6期117-125,共9页 摘 要:日本近代文豪夏目漱石,是在我国译介最多、作用最大的日本作家之一,而其成名作兼代表作《我是猫》更是深受人们的欢迎,迄今已有十四个译本,日语论文,日语论文,为其已译著作中译本最多的著作。然而,研读这些译作并核对日文原著,我们发现译文存在多处词语误译现象。本文拟以尤炳圻、胡雪两位先生翻译、人民文学出版社出版的《名著名译插图本》为主要例子,并以其他译本为辅助例子来略论这些误译现象。如果此类误译问题能够引起我们日语工作者的注意并成为误译探讨的范例或翻译批评的资料,则笔者之幸莫大焉。Natsume S6seki is one of the modem Japanese literary masters whose works are most translated and influential in China. IAm a Cat, the novel which first brought him fame and which is the most representative of all his works, is generally loved by Chinese readers, with 14 different translated editions so far, making it one of the most translated works in China. However, a comparison of different translations of the same novel reveals various translation errors. This paper, while analyzing examples of different versions, mainly focuses on the translation by Mr. You Bingqi and Mr. Flu Xue, published by the People's Literature Publishing House in 1997 in a collection titled Illustrated Masterpieces Translated by Established Translators. As an effort to set a standard of some kind, the writer of this article hopes that the paper will draw adequate attention to the study of translation errors in Japanese studies. 关 键 词:夏目漱石 我是猫 词语 误译 分 类 号:H315.9[语言文字—英语] |