
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

  Walking up Fort Street to the foot of the Fort rampyou pass the triangular stone monument erected in 1931 bythe Daughters of the American Revolution. It proclaimsthat“MACKINAC is the most place in Michigan. ”On theleft is Trinity Episcopal Church and on the right theMissionary Bark Chapel.



  ALPENA 是位于密歇根州西北部,濒临休伦湖的一个小城市。该市幽静、清洁,一年四季皆有美景。它是这样宣传自己的:

  Long pleasant days of summer draw us out of doorswhere we linger until the last bit of twilight fades. Gentleblue water laps the shore and warm sunshine nudgesswimmers in , while others stroll the sands in search oftreasure or simply lie on the beach and drink in the sun.

  Canoeists paddle the river , past lush green woods , cattailsand wildlife.


  Autumn blazes in with a spectacular farewell tosummer in magnificent shades of red , orange and yellow.

  The bounty of season calls for celebration. Fromscarecrows and pumpkins to celebrations of pioneer andmaritime history , people find plenty of reasons for revelry.

  The countryside beckons with old fashioned hospitality andthe fruits of a bountiful harvest .




  7th Annual Great Lakeslighthouse FestivalThursday , Friday , Saturday &Sunday2nd weekend in October , Alpena MichiganThursdayTour on your own :

  Middle Island Boat toursThunder Bay Island Boat tourVisit one of you favorite Great Lakes LighthousesPlan on Attending :

  Children’s ConcertKickoff EventMemorial to Lost SailorsFridayA Day to tour on your own :

  You may want to visit some of the following :

  Jesse Besser MuseumMiddle Island Museum on WheelsSturgeon Point Lighthouse

  从以上这3 份材料来看,英文这类旅游资料的写作特点是:对景点的介绍侧重指导性和实用性;对旅游城市的介绍重点在突出特色;而对旅游活动的介绍重点是让活动时间、地点、安排一目了然。从语言风格上看,通篇没有华丽的溢美之辞,用词直白、简练,叙事具体、直截了当。


