
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19



关键词  商务谈判,英语论文网站,跨文化因素,文化意识


Business negotiation is a process through which two sides want to gain the maximum interest. In general, during the negotiation process, negotiating parties can coordinate their requirements through communication. Language strategies can be reflected from many small details, such as your statement, the way you raising questions, the way you giving reply and the style you persuading your counterpart during the negotiation. The whole process is full of characteristics, such as objectivity, pertinence, logicality and eloquence. The aim of studying these characteristics is to make your language more persuasive and infectious. As we all know, during a negotiation, the interest of both sides are involved, negotiators should try their best to avoid conflicts, or resolve conflicts properly, because conflicts are hard to evade. That is to say, when you come to a deadlock in the negotiation, you should use appropriate language strategies to make it smooth, then the negotiation will give both sides a satisfying result.

Keywords  business negotiation, cross-cultural factors, cultural awareness 

1  Introduction 
In a cross-cultural negotiation, appropriate use of language is an important competitive tool. In a traditional trade, business English negotiation is a process through which two sides seek to maximize the benefit. During a business negotiation, two sides can coordinate the requirements by communicating. Human language is a media to communicate with each other and also is a tool to transmit information mutually. Using proper language to discuss and ask questions, so that you can reach a mutually consistent agreement. No matter in the process of narration or asking and answering questions, they all need characteristics of objectivity, pertinence and logicality. And the using of language should be reasonable and effective. During a negotiation, you must have some cultural background and language skills to demonstrate the thinking process and results accurately. In addition, we also need to pay attention to cultural differences, objective principle, logicality and artistry, but meanwhile, never offending others’ etiquette. Not only in business negotiation, but also in communication, language strategies can help us to make friends with strangers as well. Making conflicts become cooperation, you will find that negotiation is a really interesting process to show your social skill.
