
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


Today in the 21st century, economic globalization is sweeping the whole world, brand as originated in Europe is different from the general goods and relatively new products have been gradually speed up the pace of global market expansion. The impact of culture is all-round for consumers, cultural differences bring consumer attitudes and consumer behavior is different, cross-cultural consumer psychology and the factors influence the choice of a brand. People from different cultural backgrounds make a different choice because of the difference of value orientation, mode of thinking and behavior. And there are great cultural differences between Chinese and western, its impact on consumer brand choice which is more and more important. Some marketers adapt to the cultural differences, to understand and make full use of the impact of this difference for consumers.
This paper analyzes the effect of consumer motivation for consumers brand choice and the differences between Chinese and Western brand from the angle of cross-culture. The data investigation shows that Chinese and Western cultures influence the consumer behavior. The paper analyzes the psychological changes of brand consumer and the impact of these changes from the change of the traditional culture, highlights in the analysis a number of new ideas of brand consumers in recent years and the causes of forming these ideas. According to the analysis of the cultural influence, and finally gives some suggestions for brand goods in China, provides the development of brand market.

Keywords:  brand consumers  cultural differences   cross-cultural  consumer behavior


在 21 世纪的今天,随着经济全球化的浪潮席卷整个世界,英语论文网站,奢侈品作为起源于欧洲的相对较新商品也已逐渐加快其在全球市场的发展。文化对消费者作用是全方位的,文化异同带来的消费态度和消费行为是不同的,跨文化消费者的心理及各方面因素都作用着对品牌的选择。来自不同文化背景的人们因价值取向、思维方式和行为等的不同往往会对品牌作出不同选择。而中西巨大的文化异同对消费者品牌选择的作用也显得越发重要。一些这方面营销者很快的适应了这种异同,理解并利用了这种异同对消费者产生的作用。

关键词: 品牌消费者;文化异同;跨文化;消费者行为
