
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


With the development of society, people's living standard has been improved greatly; they have more desires to purchase and occupy the new things and high-end products. Some enterprises just use these consumer’s dissatisfactions to vigorously promote their products, therefore, "hunger marketing" is appeared. For example, in our daily life, we often encounter some phenomenon: pay a deposit to buy a new car and wait in line; have to register first and pay earnest money before buying a house, and we often see "limited edition", "seckill" and so on. So the “hunger marketing” is pushed to the cusp of public opinion by the media and draws wide attention. Domestic media reports that many people directly treat “hunger marketing” as one marketing strategy that Apple adapts, but there is little information about "hunger marketing" in foreign media reports. Most of them just pay attention to the booming demand for Apple products which results in exceeding supply. In the domestic consumer market, "hunger marketing" has become a simple answer to the question why the market demand can not be met. People even think that Apple has the motivation to deliberately not meet market demand, it is a unique and effective market means, and the scarcity of products creates the brand of Apple and sets a high-end image of Apple. MI Phone attracts most people’s attention in domestic market in the recent years because it only takes a few years time to achieve such achievements which many enterprises can not achieve. This study is still focusing on hunger marketing strategy on the basis of previous studies, and this study uses the application research of hunger marketing strategy as the entry point, bases on the relevance theory, and analyzes the current situation and existing problem of hungry marketing strategy. Finally put forward suitable advice for the company to use the strategy.

Key words: Hunger Marketing  Marketing Strategy  MI Phone  Apple

摘  要

    随着社会发展,人们的生活水平也有了极大的提高,英语毕业论文,对新事物和高端产品有了更多的购买和拥有欲望。有些公司恰恰应用消费者这些不满足来大力推销他们的产品,“饥饿营销”就这样产生了。例如,在我们日常生活中,我们经常碰到这样的情况:买新车要先交定金并且还要排队等候,买房之前要先登记再交诚意金,还常常看到 “限量版”、“秒杀”等现象。这样媒体就把“饥饿营销”推到了舆论的刀口,并且吸引了广泛的关注。在国内媒体报道中,许多人把“饥饿营销” 直接当成了苹果企业一贯应用的一种营销手段。但是在国外很少有对于“饥饿营销”的报道,有也只是大多集中在苹果产品的需求旺盛和供应不足上。对国内消费市场来说,“饥饿营销”就成了对为什么市场需求无法被满足的一个简单的答案,人们甚至认为,苹果企业有动机故意不满足市场需求,这是它一个独特而有效的市场手段,英语论文,产品的稀缺性创造了苹果品牌,树立了苹果的高端形象。而近年来在国内市场上最引人注目的要数小米企业的异军突起,从成立之初到现在仅有短短几年时间,但是它所取得的成就是很多公司望尘莫及的。本文在前人探讨的基础上继续聚焦于饥饿营销策略,以饥饿营销策略的应用探讨为切入点,以相关理论为基础,从小米手机应用饥饿营销策略的近况及存在问题进行略论,最终提出公司应用该策略时的适当建议。

关键词:饥饿营销  营销策略  小米手机  苹果
