
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


In the comparison of differences on liquor advertising design between eastern countries like China, Japan, Korea and western European countries, the paper analyses how cultural differences effect their advertising design from four aspects: divergences of wine culture between east and west, analysis of western wine ads’ design, analysis of eastern wine ads’ design, comparison between eastern and western wine ads’ design. And also, the paper gives suggestions on the trend of gradual westernization in recent Chinese wine market, as well as recommendation on Chinese wine ads’ innovation. The analysis may help advertisers realize the best effect of ads launching in the market.

Key words: Eastern and Western   Cultural Differences   Advertising Design

摘  要


关键词:东西方  文化异同  广告设计

Chapter One    Introduction
1.1 Background Information
With the development of economic globalization, multicultural advertising companies are expanding gradually. Products of different countries and regions are no longer able to cater to local market, thus, advertisers focus more on international market. Multicultural ads are mounting, which is not only an opportunity, but also a challenge for advertisers and companies. Among these ads, some succeed, with their target commodities start to spread rapidly. Some, however, lose due to their failure in not grasping the effects that cultural differences bring. As the world witnesses the fast development of China, there’s no doubt that advertisers from all countries put their eye on the huge consumer groups, aiming to reap profits from it. And since the first foreign brand, Radar, project its ads in China in 1979, there was no way to hold it back.
