
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


Individualism, as the core of American culture, shapes the connotation and content under the format of the American culture. Therefore, great attention has been paid from scholars and experts around the globe on this topic, and among their researches, they generally relate the Puritanism to the American individualism; they generally hold the opinion that American individualism derives from the Puritanism. Most of the Americanized behaviors and habits, thus, cannot be separated from it.
    The thesis aims to explore the Puritanism root which remains in the American individualism culture, and also attempts to find out its original causes. By writing this paper, the author wants to uncover the cultural custom of American people and find out an appropriate way about how to communicate with American people and how to cooperate with people from United States. By getting to know American people’s thinking method, we could build a more culturally compatible environment where people are able to communicate with fewer barriers. Beginning with the origin and development of Puritanism, the thesis stresses the American individualism with the purpose of having an initial concept of Puritanism. At the same time, it clarifies the profound influence of Puritanism to the development of American individualism. Meanwhile, in order to protrude the sharp-cut character of American individualism, the author also figures out the American behavior pattern and makes a comparison between the east and west for a further understanding. Getting to know the American individualism will help us to know the American culture better and improve our skills on the cross-culture communication.

Keyword: Puritanism; individualism; culture root; cross-culture communication



