
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

摘 要:
在人际交往中,称谓往往是交流的开始,并联系到双方对话能否顺利进行。各民族拥有不同的文化、历史;而这些又通过不同的语言得以体现。因此,不同的民族有不同的称谓系统。在跨文化交际中,适当得体的称谓更有助于交流的顺利进行,反之,则会阻碍交流,英语论文题目,甚至导致交流的失败。本文主要从跨文化交际角度略论中西方社交谓语的差异以及不了解中                                        西方社交谓语的不同所导致的语用失误及其对策。通过这三个层次的探讨略论,本文发现: 在中西方社交称谓语的相同层面上,两者都反映交际双方的社会地位和亲疏联系;在异同层面上,中文体现等级异同、集体主义、自谦倾向,英语论文范文,英文体现平等观念、个人主义、自信;在语用失误层面上,交际者可以采取以下三种措施以避免跨文化交际中的语用失误:熟悉对方的社交称谓系统;考虑对方的社会地位、身份、性别、年龄等;与对方协商获得最佳称谓方式。对中西方社交称谓语的深入探讨,有助于人们更深层次地了解中西方文化,也有助于中国和西方国家之间的相互沟通和友好交流。                                            


In the process of interactions, appellation is usually the start of a conversation, and plays an important role in the success of communication. Each nation has its own culture and history, which is reflected in languages. Therefore, different nations have different systems for references to persons’ appellation. In cross-cultural communication, proper and decent appellations are beneficial to the success of cross-cultural communication. On the contrary, inadvisable appellations can hinder communication and even result in failure. This paper analyzes similarities and dissimilarities in social appellation between China and the West, failure of social appellation in cross-cultural communication, and strategies to avoid failure. By analyzing these three aspects, the paper finds out that the social appellation in both China and the West demonstrates social status, closeness and distance. However, Chinese pays attention to hierarchy, collectivism, and modesty; English attaches importance to equality, individualism, and confidence. As for failure in cross-cultural communication, interlocutors should take the following strategies: familiarizing themselves with the listeners’ social appellation systems; taking into consideration the listeners' social status, identity, gender, age; consulting the listener to get the best appellations. The deep studies in this paper are not only beneficial to mutual understanding of culture but also to effective and friendly intercommunication between China and the West.

Key words: Cross-cultural communication; comparative analysis; appellation; social appellation
