
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


With the global development of modern world, there are more and more cooperation between different cultures. Lots of English films and videos are appearing in China. In order to create humorous effect and make television work more interesting, the language more lively, editors choose to use puns. This paper first introduces the definition, the characteristics, and functions of puns. The writer also chooses some examples from The Big Bang Theory, Prison Break, The Lion King, Desperate Housewives and so on. From the dialogues and monologues, people can know some different cultures between different countries. After people read this essay, they will feel relaxed when they meet such figures of speech. The examples above show us that in our daily life, pun plays such an important role. Therefore, we should pay more attention to it.

Keywords: puns; humorous effect; culture

摘  要:



1  Introduction
With the development of our society, lots of English films and videos are appearing in our country. English pun, which is an interesting language phenomenon, belongs to figures of speech. Many authors like Shakespeare, Hemingway and Edgar Allen Poe are great punsters. In addition, it is also widely used in our daily life, especially in films and television programs. Dating back to classical times, English puns have a long history. From the investigations, pun dates from the Latin word "paronomazein" which means being called by a different name. It also means "paronomasia". Besides, pun was first used by Dryden in English in 1662. Furthermore, the use of pun is thought as decadent machine. Belgium scholar Delabastita thinks English puns consist of four types, including homonymy, homophony, homography and paronymy. Meanwhile, Chinese scholar Nanfeng Zhang comments on Delabastita's views, including this translation solution. It was the White Rabbit.
