
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


For the past few years, American sitcom like friends, which was definitely a hit at one time, has swept across the whole world. With the broadcast of How I Met Your Mother and The Big Bang Theory, situation comedy, currently, is still gaining its popularity among English lovers. Watching American sitcoms contributes not only to the cultivation of our interest in English learning, but also to the improvement of our cross-cultural communication competence. But with subtitles at hand, we sometimes still find ourselves at a loss to the jokes, which really can be a pain in the neck. What’s so funny? Well, this paper, on the theoretical basis of Grice’s Cooperative Principle(CP), ventures on an attempt to analyze the characters’ mental process from some examples of the three American sitcoms which I like most to see how conversational implicature is applied to dialogues and how humorous effects are achieved.

Keywords: Conversational Implicature; Cooperative Principle; American Sitcom; Dialogues; Humorous Effects

摘  要:



1  Introduction
 With the quickening process of globalization, we are more easily exposed to American culture in a hierarchy of aspects, among which American movies and TV programs of various kinds have found a ready market in China. Situation comedy, often shortened to sitcom, as a genre of comedy that features characters sharing the same common environment, such as a home or workplace, with often humorous dialogues, is currently found extremely appealing. To make the audience laugh as much as possible is said to be the ultimate aim of situation comedy. And such humor is embodied in dialogues and conversations, without which no sitcom can be acted out. However, the problem is that even if we have subtitles available when watching American sitcoms, we may get stumbled and baffled by some implied conversations, thus totally at a loss to where the laughing points are. This is quite similar to Chinese idiom“话中有话”,which means having one’s tongue in one’s cheek. To figure out what is behind the superficial meanings, we need to introduce Conversational Implicature Theory.
